The Services We Offer Throughout The State Of Colorado

ARA intake Nurse is a  Registered Nurse with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, she can assist families in accessing a variety of ways to apply for Medicaid in Colorado including The Children's Home Community Based Services Waiver (C-HCBS), Income Based Medicaid attached to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Medicaid Buy-In for disabled children.  ARA's case Managers have extensive knowledge and resources to provide families a list of services Medicaid offer's including but not limited to Home Health Agencies (HHA) that provide Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Registered Nurse (RN) Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) In Home Support Services (IHSS) Physical Therapy (PT) Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech, Language Pathologist  (SLP) Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Health Insurance Buy-In (HIBI), Dentist and Pediatricians.   Before your child turns 18-years-old, ARA case managers can guide in the transition process to adult services.  It is ARA goal to be a one stop shop for families to educate, provide resources and give families all their options to obtain services for their special needs child/children.